Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Last Week of School

It's the last week of school and it's bittersweet. It's always great to be finished with another school year, but this year is different. I'm going to miss these kids more than I thought I ever would - a lot more.

Today I introduced my freshman class to the world famous Dave Taylor Pretzel Sundae. I'm sure people have added pretzels to vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup, but I always like to believe that my dad made the discovery. I had been describing this treat to my freshies all year long, and today I finally let them experience this unparalleled treat for themselves. I think they enjoyed them. Even if they didn't, these kids are way too polite to tell me they didn't.

My sophomores read the play Our Town earlier this quarter. They had mentioned that they would like to perform it. I was thinking that this idea would pass, so I didn't say anything for a while. Well, they didn't let it drop. We ended up performing the third act for the entire student body today. I can't believe how excellent a job they did with it. They memorized every line without any problems. I didn't assign this, they just wanted to do it for themselves - that's what kind of kids these are. I ended up performing with them, and even though I was completely terrified that I would screw up my lines, I'm really glad that I did it.

The stars of the show. Back row (left to right): Michael Chen, Gloria Yoo, Jessica Pelaschier, Yours Truly, Hsiang Lin. Front row (left to right): Tiffany Chen, Eileen Hu, Min Chen, Grace Yoo

1 comment:

Micah Sittig said...

I received a box of chocolate-covered pretzels from my Secret Santa back in high school and they were delicious. But chocolate and pretzels in ice cream? Oh man, pure genius.